<reptile> ok lets start
<freakOVER> :)
<freakOVER> o well
<reptile> So u just got Mirc ur thinking damn this client sucks
i wish i could switch to xchat
<reptile> (well u can xchat is there for iwndows also u know)
<Mikkkeee> so mirc scripting?
<reptile> yeah
<Mikkkeee> -------------MIRC SCRIPTING LECTURE------------------
<reptile> but anyways
<reptile> there are a few + points to mirc
<reptile> theres a built in scriptin language!
<reptile> Now u wanna ask the basic question
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<reptile> What is mIRC scripting? mIRC scripting is a very powerful
way of customising mIRC. It allows you to control the way in which it does
things. Scripting is similar to programming, but I would say its easier
to pick up because there are so many built in functions. Scripting is mainly
used as a way to perform lots of commands with little effort. now what
exactly makes a script? Commands - General commands like /join /part etc
Aliases - Groups of Commands Po
<reptile> that was huge
<reptile> ;)
<reptile> lucky i typed this out
<reptile> ;)
<Mikkkeee> kewl
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<reptile> now ill take a 2 second break to allow u to read through
<freakOVER> hehe
<freakOVER> already did
<freakOVER> ;)
<reptile> done
<reptile> now lets go on
<reptile> lets start with Aliases
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<reptile> What is an Alias? An alias is simply a collection of commands
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<reptile> Any command you use in the edit box of a window which
starts with a / can be used in an alias. To edit aliases press alt + A
in mIRC or goto Tools>Aliases, this will bring up the alias editing window.
<reptile> Alias are written in this format: /aliasname command |
command The /aliasname is what you will type in the normal edit box when
chatting (cannot have spaces).
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<reptile> Try to give it a meaningful name, so it is easier to rememeber
what it does. The command is a command such as /join (you dont need the
/ in an alias).
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<SpiderMan> j #bread5
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<reptile> lol
<Mikkkeee> lol
* freakOVER is typing...
* freakOVER click click
<reptile> The | breaks up the commands, so mIRC knows what to do.
<reptile> u can use 2 commands on the same line usin the |
<reptile> 0_0 WHAT A WONDER
<reptile> ;)
<freakOVER> can u use more than one?
<Mikkkeee> yup
<freakOVER> i mean
<freakOVER> more than 2
<reptile> lol sure
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<reptile> ;)
*** rabonne is now known as _rabonne-
<reptile> u can use as many as u can
<freakOVER> oh ok
<freakOVER> whew...
<reptile> now heres a example
<reptile> Echo a message to the current window /Echo is a
mIRC command to show text in a window, only you can see it. Format: /echo
text Alias Code: /e echo This is echod to the current window. Usage: type
/e in a window to display the message.
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end I've learn so little... knowledge never ends... - Lone[Star])
<reptile> thats juz a simple example
<reptile> aliases can be used for much more difficult things
<reptile> not exactly difficult
<reptile> i mean time consuming
<reptile> ;)
<freakOVER> hehe
<reptile> Joining a channel /Join is a command which joins a channel.
Format: /join channelname Alias Code: /j join #hex Usage: type /j in a
window to join #hex
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<reptile> when u use /echo only u can see the msg
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Wasted: 4mins 30secs Online)
<reptile> so does everybody understand so far?
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<freakOVER> ya
<freakOVER> :)
<reptile> Joining 2 channels Alias Code: /j2 join #hex | join #bsrf
Usage: type /j2 in a window to join #hex and #bsrf
<reptile> and another
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<reptile> Performing an action /me is a command which performs an
action on a channel/nick. Format: /me action Alias Code: /happy me is so
happy cos, s/he can make an alias! Usage: type /happy in a channel window
to perform the action Aliases can also be put on multiple lines, making
them easier to read. This is done using the curly brackets ({ and }). The
{ basically says to mIRC "code start" The } basically says to mIRC "code
end" For every { you have you must
*** Mikkkeee sets mode: +v [PhaLanX]
<reptile> Multiple lines in an Alias Here we'll make the Join 2
Channels alias multi line. Notice how each command is on a seperate line,
and there are no |. A new line is the same as a |. Alias Code: /tjoin2
{ join #hex join #bsrf } Usage: type /tjoin2 in a window to join #hex and
#bsrf Try making a few of your own and then we'll move onto popups.
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<[PhaLanX]> side note:
<[PhaLanX]> aliases can be made using the /alias command
<[PhaLanX]> ex: /alias happy /me is happy
<[PhaLanX]> this will create the /happy command
<reptile> tankies [PhaLanX]
<[PhaLanX]> no prob
<reptile> any questions?
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<divinator> anyone know what this is? :
HTTP/1.0" 404 870 "" ""
<Mikkkeee> df just in time for thE mirc one
<DigitalFallout> One sec, I need to reboot--------
*** DigitalFallout has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset
by peer))
<divinator> i get plenty of connections with this query everyday
on my httpd
<Mikkkeee> maybe the .ida buffer overflow attack sploit
<reptile> hummn
<divinator> code red possibly
<reptile> maybe if it exceeded sme characters
<reptile> anyways
<reptile> shall we move onto popups?
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<Mikkkeee> k
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<DigitalFallout> Well I just woke up :)
<reptile> What is a Popup? Popups are custom menus. To edit popups
press alt + P in mIRC or Tools>Popups, this will bring up the popup editing
window. Popups are generally used as a quick way to perform an alias (Remember
an alias is a group of commands). Popups appear in order on the menu in
the same order they are written. Popups are written in this format: Popupname:command
| command The Popupname is what will appear on the menu (Can have spaces).
The command
<reptile> heres a example Performing an action using a popup In
the channel popup editing window (on the menu: view...channel in the popup
editing window) put the code. Popup Code: Happy: me is so happy cos, s/he
can make a popup! Usage: right click in a channel window and select "Happy"
to perform the action
<freakOVER> The command
<freakOVER> <reptile> heres
<freakOVER> ?
<freakOVER> u missed stuff didn't u?
<reptile> no its juz ur lag
<reptile> ;)
<reptile> The command is a command such as /join the same as an
<freakOVER> o ok
<freakOVER> lag
<freakOVER> bah!
<freakOVER> :)
<reptile> Using a popup to run an alias Here we will use a popup
to run the alias we made in Example 4 Popup Code: Happy2:tme Usage: right
click in a channel window and select "Happy2" to perform the action
<[PhaLanX]> side note, to make items under a menu, you use periods
<[PhaLanX]> ex:
<[PhaLanX]> Happy
<[PhaLanX]> .Happy1:/happy1
<[PhaLanX]> .Happy2:/happy1
<[PhaLanX]> that would create Happy in the menu with items happy1
and happy2
<[PhaLanX]> the parent cannot have a command (Happy doesnt have
a command, yet happy1 and happy2 do)
<freakOVER> cool
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<freakOVER> 2 ppl giving the lecture
<freakOVER> :)
<reptile> Telling a channel about yourself Here we will use a popup
to tell a channel about yourself. (Change the information to suit yourself)
Notice the return of multiple lines. Popup Code: About me:{ me is male,
14 yrs of age, from India } Usage: right click in a channel window and
select "About me" to tell the channel about yourself on 3 lines. Ok try
a few of your own, then we'll move onto identifiers. What is an Identifier?
An identifier is a command which
<reptile> about this later. So $1 would be the first parameter,
$2 the second and so on. To list all the parameters use an - after the
$1 e.g $1- would mean all parameters, $2- would mean all parameters after
parameter 1 ($1).
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<freakOVER> hey can u try sending less text?
<freakOVER> What is an Identifier? An identifier is a command which
<freakOVER> <reptile> about this later.
<freakOVER> :(
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<reptile> k ill type that aprt again
<freakOVER> tnx
<reptile> ]returns a value. All identifiers start with a $ character.
One of the most commonly used identifiers is $me. It returns your current
nickname. To use an identifier in an alias you just put its name and mIRC
will replace it with the applicable value when the alias is run. Identifiers
with just a number such as $1 return the parameters passed to the alias/popup.
For an alias its anything you type after the /aliasname in the window.
For a popup it depends
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<reptile> So $1 would be the first parameter, $2 the second and
so on. To list all the parameters use an - after the $1 e.g $1- would mean
all parameters, $2- would mean all parameters after parameter 1 ($1).
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<reptile> Using the $me identifier $me will be replaced by your
nickname. Alias Code: /whoami echo You current nickname is $me Usage: Type
/whoami in a window to see your current nickname.
<[PhaLanX]> side note: in popups, the nicklist specifically, $1
$2 etc are the selections
<[PhaLanX]> therefore if the popup is:
<[PhaLanX]> Happy:/me is happy and $1 too
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<[PhaLanX]> $1 would be the first nick selected
<reptile> Using the $# identifier $1- will be replaced by all parameters
from $1 onwards. Alias Code: /saythis echo You typed $1- Usage: Type /saythis
I can use identifiers! in a window to see the message.
<reptile> any questions so far?
*** Mikkkeee sets mode: -m
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<freakOVER> hmm
<freakOVER> no interaction yet
<reptile> any questions?
<SpiderMan> I think everyone is tired :)
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<freakOVER> hehe
<N0_Nick> hm
<reptile> cmon it cant be soooo bad
<reptile> ;)
* freakOVER lays on couch...
<freakOVER> :)
<N0_Nick> i got dc
<Mikkkeee> okay so just keep on going
* Mikkkeee will spend the week end fixing the logs
*** N0_Nick is now known as _N0_Nick-
<N> www.pairc.com best mIRC scripting tutorials about :)
<[PhaLanX]> yes
<freakOVER> "This log has been edited for content. It has been formatted
to this screen."
<Mikkkeee> lol
<[PhaLanX]> pairc.com is good, i learned a great deal from there
<freakOVER> :)
*** _N0_Nick- is now known as N0_Nick
<[PhaLanX]> but the best place is your own mirc.hlp
<N> aye
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<N> got loads in there
<N> and other scripts, just download a few and read them :)
<AZTEK[coding]> later guys
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when its free" -Linus Torvalds)
* reptile nods
<reptile> k should i go on???or should i juzt........
<Mikkkeee> go on
<freakOVER> like
<freakOVER> it's ur lecture
<freakOVER> ur 15 minutes of fame
<freakOVER> keep goin'
<freakOVER> ;)
<N0_Nick> well who will mail me the whole log coz i got disconnected
in b/w a couple of time
<N0_Nick> yeah its good
<Mikkkeee> hehe
<TCL> lol, go on
<N> lol
<N> it will appear on bsrf site no :)
<Mikkkeee> yup
*** Mikkkeee sets mode: +m
<freakOVER> ya
<freakOVER> a famous lecture
<freakOVER> on mirc scrippin'
<freakOVER> :)
<Mikkkeee> lol
<reptile> ok
<reptile> moving on
<SpiderMan> be sure to have a lot of spelling and grammar errors
so it takes Mikkkeee longer to edit :D
<freakOVER> lol
<freakOVER> poor Mikkkeee
<reptile> :-DDD
<Mikkkeee> the content will be teh same just the spelling
<Mikkkeee> will be corrected
<freakOVER> hehhe
<[PhaLanX]> lol
<freakOVER> oopss
<reptile> o_O
<freakOVER> danm
<reptile> heh
<freakOVER> bad fingers
<freakOVER> lol
<SpiderMan> haha make the words look really bad
<[PhaLanX]> raelyl ym spelilng wlil be correctd?
<SpiderMan> mess the spell checker up
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<Mikkkeee> plz no l33t talk
<freakOVER> lol
<freakOVER> ok ok
<freakOVER> go on
<reptile> now goign no ithw ym lektuer no crmi scriptgni
<[PhaLanX]> raelly, lest moev on
<TCL> lol
<reptile> Using the $# identifier $1- will be replaced by all parameters
from $1 onwards. Alias Code: /saythis echo You typed $1- Usage: Type /saythis
I can use identifiers! in a window to see the message.
<SpiderMan> :)
<reptile> yako
<reptile> Using the $# identifiers to perform an action on someone.
$1 will be replaced by 1st parameter and $2 will be replaced by 2nd.
<reptile> Alias Code: /kiss me kisses $1 right on the $2 Usage:
Type /kiss zippy lips in a window to see the message.
<reptile> Using the $+ identifier to join 2 strings. $+ puts anything
before and after it together (removes the space) This is useful when you
need to join things such as $1 to an ! or something. This example makes
$2 join a ? and $1 join an !. So if $1 is "Reptile $+ !",
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<reptile> the string becomes "Reptile!"
<freakOVER> haha
<freakOVER> who'd knew?
<[PhaLanX]> side note: never, and i mean never put and identifier
and anothe char together
<reptile> Alias Code: /kiss2 me kisses $1 right on the $2 $+ ! Did
you enjoy that $1 $+ ? Usage: Type /kiss2 zippy lips in a window to see
the message
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<freakOVER> :)
*** NuLLx has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
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<reptile> LOL
<[PhaLanX]> lol
<reptile> ok try a few
* reptile is dloadin mandrake 8
<reptile> over 3 gb
<mezzano> few a try okay? <----- yoda ;)
*** Mikkkeee sets mode: -m
<reptile> btw i used the mandrake isntall partition to resize my
fat partition and now ive lost all my mp3s
<Mikkkeee> shit i wasted my saturday holding lectures
<Mikkkeee> lol
<reptile> in my mp3 dir
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<reptile> lol
<[PhaLanX]> any questions?
* N kisses reptile right on the forhead
* [PhaLanX] feels special for being assistan lecturer
<reptile> ;)
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<whoareyuo> hello
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<whoareyuo> it's a letter
<TCL> lol
<freakOVER> did the lecture end?
<N> lol
<reptile> freakOVER no
<N> nahh
<freakOVER> oh ok
<freakOVER> kuz the environment is relaxed
<freakOVER> that's not supposed tohappen
<freakOVER> it's a lecture dammit!!
<N> no chicks in here 2 kiss is there ? :)
<freakOVER> :)
<Mikkkeee> yah like a skewl lecture
<whoareyuo> wat lecture?
<reptile> nops
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<reptile> DAMNIT
*** makzee is now known as _makzee-
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<Mikkkeee> reptile continue
<_makzee-> can i get the log file of today's lecture ?
<Mikkkeee> are you going to do the other one
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<reptile> Mikkkeee yeah but only if the people want me to
<reptile> i can finish mirc scriptin
<N> mIRC scripting
<reptile> and start vb
<reptile> if they want
<freakOVER> yea
<freakOVER> c'mon
<Mikkkeee> so your done with mirc?
<freakOVER> let's go
<freakOVER> i want to expand my mind
<freakOVER> :)
<reptile> NOOOOO
*** Mikkkeee sets mode: +m
<reptile> i still have a bit
<reptile> lets get on with it
<reptile> What is a Remote Event? A remote event is one which happens
when a certain event occurs, such as when someone joins a channel. This
is where identifiers are used a lot. Press alt + R or Tools>Remotes to
open the remote event edit window. Events are written in this format: on
1:event: Things after the : depends on the event. But at the end you use,
commands and alises.
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<[PhaLanX]> events are the hardest thing to grasp in mirc scripting
<[PhaLanX]> they can create really complex scripts
<reptile> like hexbot
<[PhaLanX]> and, remotes are powerful enuff to generate aliases
and popups (ask later)
<reptile> ;)
<reptile> The join event. This triggers when someone joins a channel
you are on. $nick returns to the nick of the user who joined. $chan returns
to the channel they joined. # means the event will occur for every channel.
You can specify a specific channel such as #mIRC though. Alias Code: on
1:JOIN:#:echo $nick just came into $chan Effect: Now when someone joins
a channel, a message will be shown in the active window.
<[PhaLanX]> hehe hexbot rulz
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<Mikkkeee> okay finish this one and we can hold the next lecture
tomorrow or next week
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<[PhaLanX]> next week, let them practice their l33t0 scripting skillz
for a few days
<[PhaLanX]> =]
<freakOVER> hehe
<Mikkkeee> no the vb one next week
<Mikkkeee> we had two today
<Mikkkeee> already
<[PhaLanX]> yeah
<freakOVER> yea
<freakOVER> my brain is hurting
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<SpiderMan> heh
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<[PhaLanX]> [reptile]: keep going
<freakOVER> kinda like trying to stick a ball down a straw
<freakOVER> :P
<Mikkkeee> reptile so finish teh mirc one
<Mikkkeee> today
<Mikkkeee> and vb will be next week
<freakOVER> it'll give me enuff time to get a copy of VB
<freakOVER> :P
<reptile> :D
<reptile> back
<freakOVER> he was gone?!
<[PhaLanX]> lol
<reptile> The text event. This triggers when someone says something
on a channel you are on. $nick returns to the nick of the user who said
something. $chan returns to the channel they said it on. # means the event
will occur for every channel. You can specify a specific channel such as
#mIRC though. Alias Code: on 1:TEXT:hello *:#:msg $chan $nick $+ : $+ hi
Effect: Now when someone says "hello" at the start of the sentance it will
message the chan saying hi Ok t
<[PhaLanX]> note: for a full lists of all events, check thr remotes
scripts section in mirc.hlp
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<reptile> Storing someones name. The $?= is an identifier which
asks the user for input. %name would be set to whatever they type in. Alias
Code: /getname set %name $?="Enter name:" Usage: type /getname
<reptile> Storing someones name, then showing it. Alias Code: /getname2
{ set %name $?="Enter name:" echo Your name is: %name } Usage: type /getname2
So with what we know of variables we can: Set a variable return a variable
value Clear a variable Lets put it all in one alias
<freakOVER> wow u type fast
<freakOVER> ;)
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<reptile> tankies
<reptile> Storing variable, showing it, and then unsetting it. Alias
Code: /getname3 { set %name $?="Enter name:" echo Your name is: %name unset
%name } Usage: type /getname3 Were getting to know quite a lot now, soon
we'll be making more complex aliases and remotes. Ok try a few of your
own, then we'll move onto Basic Commands. Basic Commands: What are the
basic commands used? This section is list of basic commands which you wouldnt
often use outside a script. S
<[PhaLanX]> thats what variables are in mIRC
<reptile> that shoudl be all
<reptile> ;)
*** Mikkkeee sets mode: -m
<[PhaLanX]> their syntax is: /set %varname value
<Mikkkeee> so any questions
<reptile> read the mirc.hlp file for anything else
<reptile> ;)
<[PhaLanX]> let me take over for a while
<reptile> just one more thing
<[PhaLanX]> have a few things to add
<reptile> Using goto's The goto command tells mIRC to "jump" to
a specific point in your script (known as a label), bypassing anything
inbetween. A label looks like this: :LabelName Its useful when you want
to repeat a section of code a few times. You generally have to use an If-Then-Else
statment when using a goto. Heres a simple example, which has no real use.
Alias Code: /tgoto { goto skip echo This will never happen! :skip echo
The command above will never be
<freakOVER> ahh!
<reptile> np
<freakOVER> too much stuff!
* freakOVER is cramming
<reptile> Any questions?
<reptile> The VB lecture will be next week
<freakOVER> cool
<freakOVER> i think i might enjoy that better
<freakOVER> :)
<Mikkkeee> okay so ----------END OF LECTURE-----------
Session Close: Sat Aug 04 16:33:34 2001